Early Education & Care
Quality Counts Mendocino
The Mendocino County Office of Education serves as the lead agency for Quality Counts Mendocino, a multi-agency partnership providing quality-improvement support to participating 0-5 settings and implementation of the California Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) in California.
Workforce Pathways
Supports for center-based staff serving 0-5 in subsidized programs, providing professional growth advising, assisting with Child Development CTC permit applications and educational reimbursements for unit-bearing coursework.
Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP)
We provide professional development on special education inclusion at our annual Summer Institute and individualized support to staff and programs serving children 0-5 with IFSPs and IEPs. We also facilitate the multiagency Local IEEEP Leadership Team to increase awareness of the benefits of special education inclusion and to increase access to inclusive services for children 0-5, particularly for those children with moderate to severe needs.
Embedded Instruction California (EI-CA)
We provide practice-based coaching on the Embedded Instruction model at designated Inclusion preschool centers.
The Mendocino County Child Care Planning Council provides a forum for the identification of local priorities for child care and early learning services and the development of policies and strategies to meet these priorities. It also advises and makes recommendations to policymakers to promote and plan for quality child care and development for the benefit of all children (from birth to 21), their families, and Mendocino County.
The LPC is a joint project of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors and MCOE, funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).
The Mendocino County State Preschool Consortium works in conjunction with ten school districts to operate sixteen state preschool sites throughout the county. The programs serve income-eligible three to five-year-old children for three hours a day, five days a week. Our programs offer a rich classroom environment with well-qualified teachers. The program staff works in cooperation with families to create an active learning environment for the children. Our preschools are funded by CDE/ELCD and meet all program requirements for both Title 5 and Title 22.
Site Supervisor - State Preschool
Early Education Specialist
State Preschool Assistant
Director of Early Education and Care
IEEEP Grant Lead
Continuous Improvement Coach
Continuous Improvement Coach

State Preschool Teacher
Data Control Technician I
Administrative Secretary I
Continuous Improvement Lead
Quality Counts California Lead